Did you know that when you joined Nativity parish you automatically became a member of the Nativity Council of Catholic Women (NCCW)? No application. No interview. You are in!
Rooted in a special devotion to Our Blessed Mother, the NCCW is an amazing community of women dedicated to serving our parish and creating friendships and fellowship through social and educational gatherings. We keep our church looking beautiful, knit shawls for the sick and isolated, clean and refill vigil lights, organize meal trains for families with new babies, clean the altar, help with Mass, and perhaps most importantly, pray for each other.
Due to the COVID pandemic, our annual Turkey Bingo event is canceled and some of our service ministries are on hold, but I am happy to report that we have adapted many activities to comply with our parish’s safety protocols so we can continue to serve and stay connected. This fall we have planned a virtual Memorial Mass, an in-person and live-streamed Rosary service, and a blood drive with the Red Cross Bloodmobile. To learn more about these and other future events I encourage you to visit our website at Nativitywomen.org.
We need you! It takes intentional care and commitment to keep Nativity strong and thriving. There are many ways to serve - whether you have an hour to help stuff envelopes or are willing to help organize a service project or social event, there is a place and a need for your unique gifts. Enclosed you will find a volunteer sign-up form. Please consider ways that you can actively join us in our work and return this form, so we know how you’re interested in being involved.
Dues. Did I mention dues? Maybe I should have mentioned dues earlier! This past spring we had to canceled our largest fund-raiser of the year, the Madonna Dinner raffle. And this fall our Turkey Bingo event is canceled. Together, these two events typically raise around $5,000. When you send in your dues, we hope you might consider giving a little more to help us make up the shortfall. Dues this year are $20.00, but if you are able to give more, we promise to put it all to GOOD WORK!
Thank you in advance to our members, old and new. Your willingness to give, to serve, to lead is inspiring. Keep up the good work and let’s make this our best year ever!
In friendship,
Seanne Harris NCCW President
p.s. Although our annual Turkey Bingo event is canceled, you still have a chance to be a winner! Return the enclosed forms with your dues before November 1 and your name will be put in a special drawing for a turkey and a pie -- delivered to your home the week of Thanksgiving!